Now for those of you who may not know (which is probably many of you) I am in LOOOOOOOVE with Monica. Not so much the "Miss Thang" Monica, but more "After The Storm . .The Makings of Me" Monica. Anywhoo, for those that didnt know .. Miss Mo has a mini-series chronicling the creation of her new body of work. It aired yesterday. . but as far as I know only on Peachtree Tv, a station down in ATL and in Canada for some reason. Go figure. But thats what youtube is for people! Heres a snippet of the new single "Still Standing" off the upcoming album produced by r&b hitmaker Brian Michael-Cox featuring the one and only Luda! Even if I didnt love it I would still lie because its Monica.
Im just so excited. I cant wait for her album to drop this year. People can say what they want about Mo but shes one of the realest out there. She will never sacrifice her integrity to sell a couple million or do what people tell her just to make a hit. And for that I respect her, and if it means she will continue to flop so be it! Monica isnt going anywhere. Like Mo said herself, "haters are everywhere and you cant allow that to take your focus or you will lose your ground." Aint that it? WE LOVE YOU MO!!!
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