This past weekend The Intellect & I met up with The Elder to attend the infamous NC A&T/WSSU game. When we arrived at the game it was packed boots. So, The Intellect and I look at each other like how are we going to work this? Hence, the mean ass security guard telling us we needed to sit down. Our first move included sitting with some trendy, young ladies who talked of women empowerment at WSSU which I found interesting. They discussed a program where they planned to go into the dorms on Winston Salem State's campus and help empower the girls. I couldn't seem to remember these young ladies' names but I'll have The Elder look them up via facebook because their idea was genius. Once halftime hit The Intellect and I were able to finally sit with The Elder. So here we are enjoying the game when the coonery starts. Anyone who attends a HBCU knows that cheerleaders from rival schools usually throw shade. But, the shade thrown between the cheerleaders from WSSU and A&T was extreme. So, at first I just thought they were saying outlandish comments towards each other and doing childish things cheerleaders do. But, all of a sudden a slight altercation almost started from what should have been nothing. So here we all are in the stands looking like: "What's going on"? Once the situation was handled I was once again taken aback when balls were thrown at the A&T cheerleaders via WSSU's side and the opposite when WSSU's cheerleaders went onto A&t's side. This was a prime example of coonery but, considering The Intellect and I attend a PWI(predominately white institute) we found this scenario to be quite interesting. Nonetheless, after all the nights antics were handled and the game began back we enjoyed a great night of football and conversation with The Elder. A&t came out with the win 14-8. Keep up the good work Aggies.
The A&t/WSSU Cheerleader scuffle
Look who we found, Charlynn an avid You Got Tea fan. We love her!!
Ahh great times!!
The Fashion Connoisseur
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