Every body's favorite Georgia Housewives are gearing up for the next season of their mega popular show. However, it has just been revealed (via Essence.com) that DeShawn Snow will not be apart of the next season. Snow who was known as the quite and less coonish one of the series spoke to Essence about how all the drama went down:
ESSENCE.COM: We hear that you are no longer returning to "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." Is that true?
DESHAWN SHOW: Yes, one of the producers called me yesterday and said that they wouldn't take my option.
ESSENCE.COM: What reason did they give for not inviting you back for the second season?
SNOW: [One of the producers] called and said that I was "too human for a circus show" and that because the show did so well, they are about to pump up the drama and they didn't think that I would fit in. He gave me an example, saying that during the reunion when I found out what a few of the other ladies said about me, they were expecting me to say more, but I'm not the type to go "television" and start acting crazy because somebody's talking about me. I'm fine with the decision. It wasn't my decision. They let me go and there are no hard feelings. I am thankful for the opportunity.
ESSENCE.COM: So were you at all shocked by the decision?
SNOW: I didn't see it coming. I was shocked because I just talked to them in December about the new season. It's not like they came to me and gave me an option by saying, "We're going to take a new direction and we want to know if you could be more like this." I was a little hurt, but I just look at it like I am what I am. [My personality] didn't seem to be a problem before, but I suppose the show took a different direction and they no longer see me as the right fit. If you look at all the other housewives, they are all different. I believe God moves people out of your way. It's about God having his hand upon you and doing things for you. I'm not judging my situation. I look at the show as just a shutter-glimpse of what God has in store for me. I enjoyed being on the show and hanging with the girls. At the end of the day, I was the same person throughout the show. I never changed. I was authentic and true to myself and I can't control what other people do.
ESSENCE.COM: There are rumors that Tameka Foster might replace you. Is that true?
SNOW: Yes, I heard that, but I don't know. I wouldn't say that they are replacing me because they didn't think I was real enough or too real enough for the show, so I doubt they are going to bring in someone who has a similar personality as mine.
ESSENCE.COM: We love that you are keeping it moving. Any parting words to your fans?
SNOW: I'm thankful for my fans that've sent me a lot of e-mails saying that I inspire and encourage them. I'm also a monthly columnist for Streamingthefaith.com. Again, I just want to stress that there are no hard feelings about me not returning to "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." Please join my Web site and know that you haven't seen the last of me. I wish the girls much success. Our show had the highest ratings, and I can always say I was a part of its success.
Honestly, I am glad DeShawn will not be back next season. In my opinion, she was the only one with any real money to her name and she also had the most class out of all the housewives. Don't get me wrong, I love me some NeNe, but at the end of the day DeShawn knew when to let the coons have their moment while she went back to her paid off mansion. But let's pause for a moment. Did they really just say that Tameka Forster (Usher's man/wife) is in talks to be the new housewife? Now you know Usher and his MOMager are not going for that. But none the less I look forward to the coonery of the second season of the Atlanta Housewives and to meet the new housewife. Who else hopes that they just make DeWhite an official housewife?
Well I'm off to watch the reunion special again,"trashy hookers"
The Intellect
(Source: Essence.com)
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