Apparently very low for Ciara.
CiCi has stooped to endorsement deals with Coon favorite KFC!!! Now if you buy a large Original Recipe Sandwich Combo from KFC, you get a free copy of Ciara's new album Fantasy Ride. In the words of 6th Housewife of ATL Dwight: How Dreadful!!!
CiCi loses all cool points and therefore must not pass go but instead go back to the studio...ASAP
The Intellect
Umm. Excuse me oh intellectual one!
That coupon is photoshopped. All the other blogs posted it as a joke. I'm amazed you fell for it. It's a fake.
You can stop calling yourself the intellect now. Clearly you're very from being smart.
Anonymous,you must be new to this blog, but allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is The Intellect.
Judging by your rushed comment, I sense you have failed to read everything I posted. If you had read the fine print (Labels), then you would have seen that I posted this as Daily Coonery. People who frequent this blog or have any type of sense know that posts under this heading are usually meant to be funny. Of course I knew this was a fake. But as someone who goes by The Intellect, I thought it would be funnier to write this post as if it were something real newsworthy.
Now if my writing style left you feeling some type of way, I apologize for your lack of imagination. But as far as questioning my Intellect, you need to try a little harder next time.
All in all, thank you for your comment and thank you for stopping by Yougottea.com. I hope you come back to visit us, and enjoy the rest of your day.
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