
Will Smith Blockbuster On Deck

Awhile back there were pictures of Will Smith, scantily clad showing off a toned physique. Well those pictures were from "Seven Pounds" a movie starring none other than blockbuster-hit maker himself. Will plays Ben, an IRS agent who is depressed and guilt-ridden about mistakes from his past and sets out to make amends by helping seven strangers. I'm excited about this film, it appears to be a great role for Will. These past few movies we've seen the whole super-hero character. So, this will tie the Will we previously saw in films such as "Six Degrees of Separation" and "Pursuit of Happyness" which was directed by the same director as Seven Pounds, Gabriele Muccino. The movie is set to release in December so stay tuned for more details.

The Fashion Connoisseur

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