I, like most people, enjoy moments of trashy reality television. But I wouldn't be The Intellect if I didn't have random thoughts and opinions about these shows. With shows like Bad Girls Club, For The Love of Ray J, Rock of Love, Candy Girls, and so many others, I want to know can most people separate reality from "reality." As a female, I think these reality shows are dangerous, because they condone bad behaviour without real consequences, misogynistic male behaviour, and continue the trend of objectifying women. Sure, its easy to get lost watching marathons of Bad Girls Club or any reality dating show on VH1, but I wonder what effect are these shows having on women? Do my ladies realize that this is not the way to look for love or attention?
Case in point, "reality" dating shows on VH1. When you are forced to make a name for yourself by going on a show where no one really knows your "real" name until you get kicked off, then I think that is a problem. Yes, I know these people are all characters who have been type-cast to play a part on the show, but why call it reality television then? If you are going to cast a bunch of drunken sluts on television and let them fight and cuss each other out for a guy with as much fame and money as me, then why not name the show what it truly is: improv comedy for beginners.
Furthermore, who else finds the whole idea of giving a girl/guy you are interested in dating a nickname that says nothing about who they are as person degrading? Again trying to separate reality from "reality," I know that I would not enter into any relationship with a person named "Real, Entertainer, Tailor Made, etc" because it doesn't show me who you are as a real, genuine person.
The real reason behind this post is due to my actually watching my first (and last) episode of For The Love of Ray J. First, I thought the show would be typical VH1 reality show formula; where the guy would choose the girl, and come reunion time they would not be together. Yawn!! Been there done that, so I decided not to watch. But after seeing all the FB and Twitter status updates about this particular episode, I figured I'd watch. As usual there were some funny moments (Grandma not seeing that inappropriate tattoo was too funny), but when Ray J asked his mom about what she thought of the girls I saw the reality coming out in a "reality" show.
As any real mother would want the best for their children, Ray J's mom saw through each and everyone of these little girls and let her son know that she would pick none of them for her son. I personally agreed with mom. But I also wondered what she thought of her son being on this show, and if she knew of how her own little boy was helping in degrading himself and these women? In the end I couldn't stomach anymore to see who went home, and honestly I didn't really care who did. But what I really want to know YGT readers, can you separate reality from "reality"? Do you find this shows inappropriate and degrading, or do you take them only as brainless trashy television? Let me know what you thinking via comments.
**And yes I know I did not mention that tasteless chant about Danger for a reason**
The Intellect
wow! i did a paper on the effects of the media on women and u make some great points 2! i just c it as entertainment 4 me cuz i can tell reality from "reality" those shows lyk for the love of ray j and etc r starting 2 get 2 me tho cuz there all da same! degrading and predictable
Glad to see this post!!! I understand entertainment is just that "entertainment" but where do we draw the line...ratings make money and sex sales...and as long as we have woman who are looking to make a quick buck and dont care about the consequences we will have these ridiculous shows.
thanx again for the post Missy!
No, thank you ladies. We need more women to start speaking up and demanding to have better representations of ourselves on media. Why do we have to be portrayed as the successful but bitchy best friend, or the slut. I think it's time for more real depictions of black women. I would love to see a show that showed us as we truly are: DIVERSE!!!
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