So you may have noticed I haven't been posting alot lately. Well it's that time of the year I like to call "CRUNCH TIME!" If you're unfamiliar with the term, it's that time of the year when teachers throw out last minute test(s), papers and projects. In the past week, I've completed a deliberative round-table on same sex marriage, turned in a paper on the structure of an organization I'm a member of and started a outline for a speech I'm giving Thursday on the effectiveness of man bags in comparison to book bags. As you can see this collegiate thing is no joke. But, what's the point of pleasure without pain? Everyday I make it my mission to understand I'm here at college laying the foundation for my future. And at this moment my future is so bright I need sunglasses. So, whereas these pictures show a confused Connoisseur, know that when I take that test it'll be an A on deck. Ayeee!

I'm changing my name to The Collegiate Connoisseur!
You like?
Please keep 'Fashion Connoisseur'
seconded. lol
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