497º is a new creative space that aims to create synergies. It opens up dialogues between artists and designers, and evolves with each new season in a natural, eclectic way that pushes creativity to the limits.
In this their first season, the creative team wanted to experiment with the brand's knitwear tradition, decontextualising it from classic patterns and experimenting with volumes and shapes.
All pictures on You Got Tea unless taken by a member of the staff do not belong to us (except the ones we personally shot.)All photos are only used by commenting reasons and no photos are used for commercial reasons unless specified.. Pictures taken from a site engine/websites such as Wireimage, Yahoo or google are public domain or used rightfully within the terms of agreement. If you see any image that may be an example of copyright infringement, please send an email to yougotteablog@gmail with valid reasoning and it will be removed immediately.
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