As your favorite, fashion connoisseur you've probably noticed I don't usually post coonery like this on YGT. But, with the slow news day I thought 'Why not give you readers some afternoon tea?' I'm on twitter as you all know
(twitter.com/fashionguru88) and about 2 days ago I came across a random picture of Soulja Boy posing in the mirror(pic on the left). Now, I didn't think nothing of the picture aside from the fact this boy is bored and doesn't have nothing better to do than pose in the mirror. I then get on Twitter today and see Soulja Boy ranting about a new picture that's got the Twitter fam and Media Take Out audience going wild. I go to MTO and find a post consisting of the latest picture(pic on the right). I'm confused because I don't understand why anyone would get their life off this pic! It's clearly a plea for attention(look at the first picture) and a plot by MTO to enhance their simple, minded audience. I don't knock MTO and their hustle but, I just don't understand the point of a hate site. I've visited their site a few times and the majority of their content is hatred towards artist and coonery such as the picture to the right. I know we live in a world that loves comic relief but, what's the point of comedy if we're bringing down our artist and culture? I pose a question for the fans of MTO: What's the big hype surrounding this website? What is it that makes it a must-have for the blog readers around the world? Leave your comments, if any in the comments section below!
The Fashion Connoisseur
I think your cock is but if and I want your cock down my throat baby when can I suck it hung lilππππ
98 pearl street painesville ohio. 44077.bab I can't wait for you to put it down my throat yummies.
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