Say it isn't So Brit, Say it isn't so. Britney finally gave ex hubby K-fed aka dead beat now fab father full custody of their two children. "All parties have agreed to the following: Kevin will retain sole legal and physical custody of Sean Preston and Jayden James" . When the press release was sent out the court had not given it's final verdict on the decision but, from the reports of how good a dad K-fed is, more than likely it will work in his favor. I'm taken aback that even though Britney has been going through alot that she would give full custody to K-Fed. I hope she realizes once she gives fully custody to K-fed it's a hard action to reverse. Those damn lawyers have been brainwashing her. Hopefully, she is given him custody for awhile while she works on her revamping her image. With prayer from all us Britney fans maybe she will get back on her shit performance wise & mother wise. I think if she came back sicker than ever we'd all GAG!! I'm going to see if maybe i can contact urban outfitters or h&m and see about a "WE WANT BRITNEY BACK" t shirt. I'd put it beside my "OBAMA rocks" t-shirt any day.
The Fashion Connoisseur
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