First and Foremost, let's praise god for Lil' Mama taking off the ponytail/hat accessory she always seems to wear. Her stylist should be fired for allowing her to wear that late ass combo. Hopefully the producers realized how late her accessory was and required her to remove it. It was hilarious when Mario Lopez complimented her on her hair. He knew it was late boots too! Hell, where did she buy that? I've never seen an actual hat with a hole to pull a ponytail through! If anyone knows where she got it or how she did it: email yougotteablog@gmail.com or comment below!!
I'm a big ABDC fan. Last night, I was shocked when Supreme Soul and Super Crew were the bottom two groups. Both groups have continuously showed up and showed out (get into the Dani from America's Next Top Model quote). I was literally taken aback when Mario announced Supreme Soul was going home. But, as Mario and the judges stated: "It just goes to show that America needs to vote more, so we can keep the best crews here on this stage". I agree fully with that statement. I've never voted but, I know I'm the first one mad when any crew I like is placed in the bottom two. I also adore Fanny Pack. I hate retro clothing and accessories unless done by true vintage lovers but, FP goes hard with the fanny pack. By adding their element of retro to each performance it shows that it's not a phase for them but an actual lifestyle. Nonetheless, I was still wasn't pleased with their performance. It was very chaotic. Usually they bring their chaotic element but with a hint of cohesiveness but, not last night. Next week Fanny Pack should be placed in the bottom just so they will realize they need to come hardier or go home. Below i have posted performances from Fanny Pack, Supreme Soul and Super Crew. Peep all 3 if you didn't see them last night and cast your vote for your favorite. Also, feel free to comment on how you feel about Supreme Soul being sent home over Super Crew.
yours truly,
The Fashion Connoisseur
Disclaimer: Sorry about the quality of some of the videos!
Super Crew
Supreme Soul
Fanny Pack
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