The topic I'm going to speak on is what the media calls the MAN-BAG or MURSE. According to Wikipedia the Man bag is classified as a fashionable bag carried by a man. There has been a huge debate with the masculinity of a man carry what at first glance resembles a purse. Hence the word murse which is a combination of man and purse.
Disclaimer: This is by no way meant to disrespect anyone but take a minute and digest what I'm going to say.
It's 2008. We're living during a period where a woman and black man both ran for the nomination of president ( WOOP! WOOP! BARACK for the nomination ultimately). But the reason I bring up the presidential election is because we're living in a period of change. So by men not being able to grasp new trends in fashion it just shows we're not ready for change. We as Black Americans say we're ready for a black man to come into office and make change. But, yet we're taken a back when someone is carrying something besides a black east pack book bag. I'm not saying everyone should run out and buy a man bag but, at the same time respect someone else who may feel that it's a great accessory to carry instead of a book bag.
I, personally carry handbags and totes because book bags weigh my back down. I don't like the fact that i may start class at 11 and not finish until 3 and have a horrible back ache on top of that. Secondly, think about that one day when you have to dress up nice for that presentation you have in class! Who wants to walk on campus in a nice 3 piece suit, vest & slack ensemble with a book bag on? I'm just stating "If you want to present a persona of business a book bag isn't the best accessory". I think we will never fully be able to make everyone change from east pack to hermes but that is what fashion is; everyone having their own mindset and opinion.
After reading this post the next time you see a messenger bag in GAP, a tote in EXPRESS/H&M or an exquisite Louis Vuitton vintage book bag on Canal St. in NY (HAHA!) think how maybe this one accessory change could enhance your swag!!

big up KANYE and PHARRELL for being ahead of the trend.
yours truly,
This "man" bag is just a way for a fag to feel secure around the heterosexual public. Clearly these are fashion icons & if you're not you just look, well... plain gay- duh! but usually the guys wearing a purse are so no one is offended, right? thanks!
-real goon
thanks for your opinion real goon we all have our different opinions on different aspects of fashion. as a blogger and fashion connoisseur i appreciate your feedback.
i think men bag isnt for every one. everyone has a entittle til there opinion but me personally i feel its okay to carry a man bag but just like most people there gonna sterotype you as you being gay and its sad because thats a sign of people that will never be open minded when it comes to fashion theres always gonna have that southern mind sett but to the ones that can go out like myself with a man bag and be confident keep doing what you are doing trendsetters.its just a sign of metrosexual growing when it comes to fashion
I totally agree with you The Intellect but when you were this "murse" under your arm or prop it in the crease of your arm as if it was a woman's purse you are only subject to being label as gay or a homosexual. Anytime I have seen a metrosexual or a celebrity wear this they have held it as if it were a DUFFLE BAG not some chick's new saddle bag out of this season's CHANEL collection!
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