photos: bravotv.com
Photos: (top, l-r) Blayne, Daniel, Emily, Jennifer, Jerell, Joe and Keith
(bottom, l-r) Kelli, Kenley, Korto, Leanne, Stella, Suede and Terri
Last night's episode of Project Runway was kind of a yawn. I go up for Heidi don't get me wrong but, the whole use the city as your muse concept was kind of out there. But, I must say I do appreciate the more artistic approach Heidi and the producers are going for. You know my top 3 favorites would be: DRUM ROLL.... Kenley (THE WINNER), Leanne and Terri. The colors of Kenley's design were immaculate, maybe it was the beautiful color of her model that brought it out. Leanne's layering ensemble was superb. It gave me couture fever! And, last but certainly not least, I love how Terri's design consisted of two very, versatile pieces. I like how her piece could be considered ready to wear. So, whereas the show was kind of a yawn. The outfits gave me L-I-F-E. Also, was it just me or was anybody else wondering why Sandra Bernhard was the guest judge? I didn't know she was a FASHION iCON or anything. If someone can send me her fashion history or resume I'd be overjoyed. Hmm maybe it's what The Intellect stated: "She is there for comic relief". Hmm maybe? Anywho, Let me know how you felt about the show and the designs in the comment section OK people?
with love & a blown kiss from Jerell
i`m out; The Fashion Connoisseur
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