
Beyonce Tells Ebony Magazine "I Will Never Retire!"

Mrs. Carter covers the April issue of Ebony magazine looking OVAH BOOTS. Inside the interview, Beyonce talks the typical; husband Jay-Z, what it feels like to be a wife and her now "past," plans to retire at the age of 21.
On staying out of Jay-z’s business dealings:
“He was very successful before I met him and I was very successful before I met him. So we have so much respect for each other, and respect for each other artistically. We are very close friends, and I believe he is the ultimate artist and he has the same feelings for me.”
On her Business decisions:
“I turn down million dollar offers all the time because it’s something that does not feel true for what I’m trying to say. I have to be passionate about it. Love inspires and growth inspires me…If it is not going to be iconic, something I can love 10 years from now, I’ve learned I should not waste my time with it.”
One thing she does to get on his nerves:
“I’m a little messy. Oh, yeah. Whenever I’m out in public, I have to be put together. When I get home, I rebel against it and I don’t want to take care of anything. I drop it. I’m relaxed. I don’t have any shoes on. No makeup. My purse is in the kitchen. I think that is most difficult thing for him. He’s very, very organized. I’m extremely organized when I’m working, and I work so much that when I get home I don’t want to think about anything.”
When asked to describe herself as a wife:
“I don’t know how to talk about it because I don’t like to talk about it. But I have a great example of a great wife, and that’s my mother. And I have great friends around me that have been married, so I’m lucky to have really good examples. And a great husband.”
On claiming she would retire at 21:
“I’ve worked so hard on my craft, and I will never stop. I will never retire. I love it way too much.”

Whoever said you can't have a career and a family needs to be introduced to the machine we call "Sasha Fierce!"

The Fashion Connoisseur

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