So I have a Valentine's Day social coming up on February the 13th. It's just going to be me, some OVAH friends, cocktails and conversation on the ups and downs of love. Nothing too serious; well the attire for the event is all black with a splash of red. I like black just for the fact it's slimming, it's a color many people have and it looks nice. Well alot of my FAB girlfriends have been looking for that perfect black dress for the event; So, when I came across these few below I had to post them. Now these are just some samples. You know me by now, I present the material but, it's up to you to TAKE WHAT I GIVE, USE IT & MAKE IT TEA. I have faith in you. You wouldn't be here if I didn't. For The Splash Of Red Element: The Fashion Connoisseur
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