The answer is nothing. There is nothing that Rihanna did to deserve what has happen to her. I do not condone domestic violence and we here at YGT have decided to not add fuel to the fire. If you like blogs, then you have probably seen the just released photos of the injuries singer Rihanna sustained at the hands of boyfriend Chris Brown. We here at YGT have decided not to post the picture because since domestic violence is serious and very personal, we here did not want to add anymore stress to Rihanna or Chris Brown.
Domestic violence, whether it be physical or emotional, is a serious issue that affects all people no matter what race. Therefore, we at YGT want to educate our readers and let them know that while everyone is speculating on Chris Brown's career or where Rihanna is hiding or whether Jay-Z is gonna beat up Chris Brown, we want to send our thoughts and prayers with both of these two talented people. Ladies and gentleman, we have to stop putting our hands on each other to get our point across and learn how to effectively communicate with those we love.
If you know of anyone who is being abused or is an abuser, it is time to get them help. Domestic violence affects everyone around the situation, and because of this we must work together to Break The Cycle of Abuse.
Here are some websites and numbers to call:
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
Family Service of the Piedmont: (Greensboro Location)
(336) 387-6161
Be Safe,
The Intellect
I have much respect for this blog. Yall could have had Rhianna and C.Brown all over you page but decided not to. I see that you guys are "outside the norm" and that is great to see that you do not all condone this type of behavior.
We appreciate you taking the time out to read our blog and take note that we're trying to do something fresh and new with not only this blog but, the content.
I am really happy that you guys did not post the picture. from my understanding the police are investigating how the picture got out and are contemplating fining folks who posts the picture because it was not supposed to be released to the public.. love yall.. and yessss... hot line most people dont understand that domestic violence is a serious offense thank you for the enlightenment
Yes I am glad you guys didnt post the picture because I know she doesnt want to see pictures of what Chris done to her all on the interent! I always loved this blog and I love it even more for respecting the privacy of Rihanna and even Chris!
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