It seems like Black History Month flew by; Maybe February being the shortest month of all 12 contributes to it seeming as if it flew by. Nonetheless, in honor of Black History month and all our terrific ancestors I put this Dsquared ring up in honor of one of our most notable humanitarians, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I could see it now; MLK Jr. completing his community service all the while looking down at his I Have A Dream Ring; I love it. That's besides the point though, the point in this post isn't to make a fool out of the ring, it's to open your eyes. We have so many amenities and priviledges that our forefathers and ancestors weren't allowed today that we take for granted. On this one day, I just want you to take a minute out and realize how blesses and priviledged you are. Forget the recession, the economy and everything that may be going wrong. Think of the positives, the many people who fought for the small things you have today and the benefit of being a Black, African American Collegiate student; those alone should motivate you to get out there and do something. Without men and women like Martin, Rosa, W.E Dubois, Harriet, Malcolm and Thurgood; there would be no Barack, Michelle, Colin and Condoleezza. And imagine how the world would be then?
Let's never let the legacy die,
When we do that, we have NOTHING.
Just some food for thought!
The F.C.
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