
The Coldest Winter Ever

We're FINALLY seeing winter temperatures here in North Carolina, below I've included some great winter pieces available at Blackbird. I usually go hard for my female tippers but, this post is dedicated to the men not scared to TIP BOOTS.

Robert Geller Braided Cossack Cardigan - $795
Robert Geller Knit Collar Shirt - $340

Robert Geller Toggle Parka - $835

Hyden Yoo Depp Toggle Bomber - $225

Robert Geller Toggle Bomber - $700

Mario Portolano Nappa Leather Gauge-Sewn Gloves - $150

Mario Portolano Nappa Leather Inseam Gloves - $150

I present the material,
But it's up to you to TIP

sidenote: Men can tip too, don't be scared.

The Fashion Connoisseur

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