
Morning Naughty

Here at YGT we like to give you diversity. On that note, this morning we're offering you sex tidbits from erotica writer, Zane herself. Now, we're not condoning pre-martial sex or unprotected sex by any means. We're just giving you some stimulation to spark your interest as you go through your day. Now, that's what you call HOT TEA!

1. Use your car for more than driving: The next time you two pull into the garage, see how far back that passenger seat reclines. Or better yet, hop into the backseat and go at it like two teens out on a Saturday night.

2. Hook up in the hallway: Rough day at work? Unwind the second you get home by dropping your bag—and any inhibitions—as soon as you close the front door. Tell your man/woman you've been waiting to feel his hands on you all day—and then use the doorknob to brace yourselves for impact, right there in the entryway.

3. Disappear for seven minutes: Next time you're both at a party, sneak off—one at a time—to the bathroom, a closet or any space you can find for a quickie. The adrenaline rush of possibly getting caught will increase your excitement tenfold.

4. Make every moment matter: Happen to find yourself in one of those awfully slow fast-food drive-throughs? When you're done shouting into the microphone, lean over to your mate and, in silky-soft tones, talk dirty in their ear. Even use your fingers to explore each other's bodies in a little foreplay. But stop fooling around before you get into camera range. Don't worry, you can continue at home and really have it your way.

That's just a few ideas to keep things interesting. We've provided you with fashion, celebrity news and everything else in between. No we couldn't claim to be the best blog without giving you some sexual stimulation.

Your F.C.

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