
Hello Spring, Oh How I've Missed Thee

[MATINIQUE - Spring 2009]
Matinique was created over 30 years ago, in 1973, by Niels Martinsen. Throughout the eighties and nineties they focused on creating a fashionable, comfortable style for men. And in 2002, Claus Bendixen arrived at the brand and decided to recapture the Matinique essence.

The brand has achieved international success and have created a truly unique style. Their new line, Blue Label, is more casual than usual and features lots of accessories.

Despite their international focus, the brand is based in the Danish market. Today we're bringing you their latest catalogue - take a look at Matinique...

Source For Photos & Information

The Fashion Connoisseur

1 comment:

Crown R0yal said...

that third to last picture got me. lolz.

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