
I'm Gonna Feedback, Feedback!

If you haven't seen our 2 feedback post so far your TEA is cold!! But, as we stated earlier the FEEDBACK section is for our peers and lovers of the You Got Tea Blog to show positive feedback. Again, if you'd like to leave positive feedback send us an email at yougotteablog@gmail.com and we'll feature you.

Greetings From the Frezh Prince 1/3 Rulerz Of The Sandbox I just want to say that i think its an excellent idea what you guys are doing on this blog. 1st up it keeps me informed on political views, fashion,sports, and of course music. Honestly its kind of hard finding that all in one area when it actually makes since so big ups to The Tea Blog.I took my 1st sip and im addicted.Keep doing the damn thing.

-Frezh Prince, Member of 1/3 Rulerz Of The Sandbox, Baltimore MD
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